Terminal Tractor Solutions

Autocar Terminal Tractor Driver Assist Program for Refuse & Recycling
In the waste management industry, worker safety is a constant concern. Even in the relatively controlled environment of a shipping yard or port, a single slip-up can have serious consequences. To better protect drivers and workers, Autocar terminal tra…

Autocar/ACTT42 Specifications
Autocar terminal tractors are quickly becoming the vehicle of choice for moving shipping containers and semi trailers around a truck terminal or cargo yard. Autocar’s ACTT 4×2 is one of the finest models available. Below, we’ll break down the various f…

Zero Truck Emissions – Terminal Tractors
Climate change continues to be one of the most pressing issues of our age, one that compels every industry to consider making changes. For the commercial freight and transportation industry, that means finding cleaner ways to move cargo. An excellent p…

How Much Does a Terminal Tractor Cost?
Terminal tractors cost anywhere from $65,000 to $350,000, depending on a variety of factors such as engine type, volume capacity, features, and whether the vehicle is new or used. When looking to buy a terminal tractor, it’s important to understand the…

Why Are Yard Spotters Growing in Popularity?
Yard spotter trucks are quickly growing in popularity because of the benefits they provide to transportation companies in terms of safety, efficiency, and productivity. As well as moving yard trailers and cargo containers, these trucks offer several ot…

Buying Guide: Tips for Purchasing Terminal Tractors
Here are three key factors to consider when purchasing terminal tractors: Performance specs Operator environment Manufacturer reputation Want to get all the advantages of a top-quality late-model terminal truck or yard truck while avoiding the exorbita…

Improve Performance: Advantages of a Terminal Tractor
Whether you call it a yard, shunt, or spotter truck, a mule or yard dog, a terminal tractor is a must if you’re working in small spaces. Drivers need a truck that can help them scoot around cargo yards, ports, terminals, and warehouses with ease. Impro…

Best Terminal Tractor Manufacturers
When it comes to terminal tractor manufacturers, AutoCar stands apart for its combination of reliability, operator comfort, and American-made excellence. That’s why here at Route Ready, we’re proud to offer preowned Autocar terminal tractors for sale t…

What’s the Purpose of a Terminal Tractor?
A terminal tractor, also known as a yard truck or shunt truck, is used to quickly and efficiently move cargo containers and semi-trailers across short distances in a cargo yard, intermodal transportation hub, port, truck terminal, or warehouse facility…